What is Neuroplasticity and How Does it Help your Brain Health and Wellness?

I talk about neuroplasticity quite a bit in my day-to-day practice with patients and believe that neuroplasticity is critical to achieving optimal brain health and overall wellness for yourself. We live in a time where more than 100 million Americans suffer from a neurological illness. If you suffer from a neurological condition such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, or dementia, neuroplasticity is something you need to invest your time into in order to prevent some of the negative aspects of neurodegeneration.

The number of people affected by neurological conditions is expected to rise while the annual cost to care for people with neurological disorders is expected to surpass 1 trillion dollars. However, the impact of these illnesses on our lives is unlike any other.

Neurological disorders affect every fiber of your being. They cause physical, psychological, emotional, and cognitive impairments. They rob you of your life and family, in a way that diseases of other organs can't. This is where neuroplasticity comes in.

What is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to create new neurons, make new connections, and reorganize old ones. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to learn, heal after injury, and adapt. To truly function, neuroplasticity is the combination of neurogenesis (creating new neurons) and synaptogenesis (making new connections within the brain).

Does Neuroplasticity Change With Age?

Our brains go through critical periods throughout our lives where they are more primed to create new neurons and make new connections. These “primed” periods include the newborn period, toddlerhood, and the late teen years and early twenties. However, the chemicals that regulate neuroplasticity and our brain’s ability to make new neurons and new connections, are present throughout our entire lives. All you have to do is give the brain what it needs to promote the creation of new neurons and new connections. Physical exercise is a big promoter of neuroplasticity, as are good sleep habits, and constantly learning new information.

Neuroplasticity in Brain Health & Wellness

Neuroplasticity has many proven benefits to your brain that will also impact your overall health. Neurologists have seen neuroplasticity help with:

  • Recovery from strokes

  • Recovery from TBIs (traumatic brain injuries)

  • Improving and enhancing your memory

  • More effective learning

  • Decrease in anxiety and depression

  • Alleviating chronic pain and injury

  • Treatment for OCD, ADHD, and Autism

Which Habits Increase Neuroplasticity?

The 4 most powerful habits to increase your neuroplasticity are:

  • Exercise

  • Constant Learning

  • Having new experiences

  • Sleep

This concept of neuroplasticity isn’t rocket science. Neuroplasticity is simply your own ability to control your health through choices and discipline. Most of the time, doctors and medical professionals will rely on prescriptions and medications to help sufferers of neurological conditions. I’m here to tell you, there are other natural ways you can try—neuroplasticity should be the top priority on your list.

To learn more about neuroplasticity, check out my book, Neuroplasticity: Your Brain's Superpower: Change Your Brain and Change Your Life on Amazon!

You can also check out my course on neuroplasticity, Take Charge of Your Brain - designed to provide a framework for increasing your neuroplasticity and providing the tools you need to allow your brain to experience that adaptation and change that stems for neuroplasticity.

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